Modern Mocktails


You’re heading out to meet friends for happy hour at your favorite Laguna Beach bar or restaurant, but you’re not sure how you’re going to join in the festivities since you’re currently not indulging in alcoholic beverages.

There are many reasons people don’t drink beer, wine or spirits – for some, it is addiction, pregnancy, or a health issue, for others it may be a that they’re training for an athletic event, don’t want to drink and drive, or would like to wake up without a hangover.

The good news is that abstaining from alcohol no longer needs to be boring. Fortunately, the trend to go alcohol free is becoming more popular as new non-alcoholic brands hit the market. Forget the Shirley Temples and sugary virgin daquiris. There are several creative NA (non-alcoholic) options available at bars and restaurant in Laguna. Here are a few of our favorites.

Read full article in Laguna Beach magazine.

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